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The 100 Collection™

The 100 Collection™ label on a property signifies its inclusion in an elite group committed to setting the highest standards for vacation rentals. The professionals managing these properties are required to uphold exceptional hospitality standards. Moreover, properties in this collection undergo rigorous quality, safety, and cleanliness inspections. Only locally owned and/or operated vacation rental companies are invited to qualify for this prestigious designation, which is granted by a respected group of vacation home rental leaders known as doyens. Oceanfront Cottage Rentals proudly represents Tybee Island as the sole Vacation Rental company on Tybee Island in the 100 Collection ™ with the 10 Properties you will see here. Explore the full range of curated properties, brands, doyens, and destinations within The 100 Collection ™ at theonehundredcollection.com.

DOYEN | doyen | noun | the most respected or prominent person in a particular field.

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